Anaheim Marketing Sessions & Caravans


Every Friday
Preview Starts @ 10:00am


Anaheim Public Library
500 W. Broadway
Anaheim, CA 92805




    Meghan Shigo
   Send an E-Mail

    Nancy Holloway
   Send an E-Mail


Meeting starts at 9am sharp.

We are currently meeting Anaheim Public Library 500 W. Broadway in Anaheim starting December 3, every Friday except holidays. Enter through the loading dock at the back of the building in the parking lot.

Anyone can attend. If you want your listing to be on the caravan list, then you must put it on the MLS for Broker Open House and come to the meeting to promote the morning of caravan. If they are not entered by 12:00 on Thursday, then they will not be included.

Keep plugs to brand new listing or price reduction, major changes such as no more wild dog on property, etc.
Pass fliers around the room for all other properties.
Hand out caravan list and be sure all agents on caravan list are present.
Keep guest speaker to 20 minutes max. Adjourn meeting at 10:00AM sharp. Car up and go!

Details and Information

Affiliate Responsibilities:

1) Assist Broker in finding a guest speaking for a maximum of 20 minutes.
2) Help Broker provide coffee, juice, snacks, etc.
3) Work as a TEAM to organize

For More Information, Please Visit: