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City of Anaheim
200 S. Anaheim Blvd.
Anaheim, CA 92805
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Anaheim Municipal Code: Chapter 18.44 SIGNS
Section 18.44.180: Temporary Real Estate Signs
- A maximum of one (1) unlighted, single- or double-faced, temporary, freestanding sign advertising the sale, lease or other disposition of the property on which such sign is located, may be permitted per street or highway frontage of the parcel, as provided herein. Any such sign(s) may also include the name and address of the person, firm, entity or agent offering said premises for sale or lease.
Short-Term Rental Program: Effective July 19, 2019
Anaheim Municipal Code: Chapter 4.05: Short-Term Rentals
City of Brea
1 Civic Center Circle
Brea, CA 92821
Phone: (714) 990-7600
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Brea Municipal Code Chapter 20.28: SIGNS
For Sale Signs:
- One (1) sign per property street frontage
- Must be located on the property which is for sale
- Limited to six (6) square feet in size
Open House and Directional Sign Guidelines:
- No larger than 24 inches wide by 24 inches tall and may include a small rider not to exceed the overall maximum height of 3 foot 6 inches
- Attached flags may not be taller than 4 ft 6 inches measured to the top of the flag
- Directional signs are limited to one sign per location per Realtor and under no circumstances may additional signs be placed at the same location
- Signs shall be at least one thousand (1,000 feet) apart, except at intersections to indicate a turn
Buena Park
City of Fullerton
303 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832
Phone: (714) 738-6300
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Fullerton Municipal Code Chapter 15.49 Sign Standards and Regulation
Real Estate: For Sale or Lease
- Maximum Number: One per street frontage.
- Maximum Size and Allowance of Sign: 12 square feet.
- Maximum Height: 6 feet
Real Estate: Flags & Pennants
- Maximum Number: Three, each no higher than 6 feet OR four, each no higher than 4 feet.
- Maximum Size and Allowance of Sign: 8 square feet.
Real Estate: Off-Site Open House Sign
- Maximum Number: Four per open house.
- Maximum Size and Allowance of Sign: 3 square feet.
- Maximum Height: 4 feet.
- Allowable Location: Placed on private property with permission of property owner or placed within parkway of public right-of-way.
- Other Limitations: Allowed for a maximum of 10 hours within a 24-hour period.
Garden Grove
City of Garden Grove
11222 Acacia Parkway
Garden Grove, CA 92840
Phone: (714) 741-5000
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Garden Grove Municipal Code Chapter 9.20 Sign Standards
Permitted Signs: Sign Types: Temporary Real Estate
Zone: Residential R-1
- Nameplate: 1 sign, 1 sq. ft.
- Sale/lease: 1 sign, 6 sq. ft.
Zone: Residential R-2, R-3
- Nameplate: 1 sign per unit not exceeding 2 sq. ft.;
- Sale/Lease: 0-4 units: 12 sq. ft.; 5-15 units: 16 sq. ft.; 16+ units: 20 sq. ft.
- Monument: 20 sq. ft. display surface, not greater than 5 feet in height; 32 sq. ft. display surface, not greater than 6 feet in height, for the uses listed in Section 9.20.050.J only.
Zone: Office-Professional (O-P)
- Nameplate/Directory: 1 square foot per business.
- Sales/Lease/Rental: 2 signs not to exceed an aggregate display of 20 square feet.
La Habra
City of La Habra
110 E. La Habra Blvd
La Habra, CA 90633
Phone: (562) 383-4000
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Planning Division: Signs
La Habra Municipal Code Section 15.40.070 Permit - Exceptions
The following signs shall not require a sign permit. These exceptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance, and its compliance with the provisions of this chapter or any other law or ordinance regulating the same.
- Real estate signs not more than six square feet in area per face, not exceeding a total height of six feet six inches, exclusive of support structures, for residential-zoned properties, of not more than twenty-four square feet in area per face for commercial and industrial zoned properties, when such signs pertain to the sale or rental of the properties on which they are displayed, but not more than one sign for each street frontage.
La Palma
City of La Palma
7822 Walker St
La Palma, CA 90623
Phone: (714) 690-3300
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La Palma Municipal Code Chapter 44, Article III, Division 5 - Signs and Signboards
Section 44-396 - Exemptions from sign permits
Real estate signs offering property for sale, lease, or rent are allowed on private property in any residential zoning district subject to the owner’s permission and the following limitations:
- A maximum of one real estate sign not greater than six square feet for single family uses and 12 square feet for multi-family, to be removed within 30 days after the property is no longer available for sale, lease, or rent.
- Open house signs: Temporary and portable real estate signs promoting the viewing of real property for sale as open house are permitted only during periods when either the property owner or sales agent is present and are subject to the following:
- Size and height: shall not exceed five square feet and three feet above grade.
- Identification: owner of the sign(s) shall affix name and telephone number to the sign.
- Location: private property with the consent of the owner or within the public right-of-way subject to Section 44-396(2)b3.
- Time period: hours of 11:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, and hours of 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.
- Number: shall not exceed one per change in direction from the nearest major arterial to the property for sale.
Los Alamitos
City of Los Alamitos
3191 Katella Ave.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Phone: (562) 431-3538
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Los Alamitos Municipal Code Title 17 Zoning: Chapter 17.26 Signs
Article 3: Site Planning and General Development Standards
17.26.040 Exempt Signs (Ordinance No. 2019-03)
Signs used for the sole purpose of advertising a property for sale, lease, or rental, provided that:
- The signs are posted on the subject private property only.
- Signs shall not be permanent in nature and shall only be allowed for the time the subject property or structure is available for sale, lease, or rent.
- May have one sign per street frontage erected solely for the purpose of advertising that property for sale, rent, or lease and shall not exceed the following dimensions:
- Single-family residential use: six square feet in are and five feet in height.
- Multiple-family residential use: 32 square feet in area and eight feet in height.
- Developed or undeveloped land for sale in nonresidential zones may have one such sign per street frontage. More than one sign may be allowed for parcels with street frontages greater than 250 linear feet. Minimum distances between signs shall be 250 linear feet. These signs are limited to 32 square feet in area and eight feet in height.
Santa Ana
Seal Beach
City of Stanton
7800 Katella Avenue
Stanton, CA 90680
Phone: (714) 379-9222
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Stanton Municipal Code Chapter 20.325 SIGN STANDARDS
Section 20.325.140 Standards for Temporary Signs
Temporary real estate signs: Residential zones: One (1) sign per parcel for sale, lease, rent, or exchange:
- Shall not exceed four (4) square feet (unless sign is mounted flush to a wall).
- May have one rider not to exceed one (1) square foot and may include one (1) brochure box not to exceed 154 square inches.
- The sign or signs are removed within seven (7) days after the sale, lease, or rental of the property has been completed.
- No flags, pennants, or other attention-attracting devices shall be displayed, unless utilized for an open house event.
Temporary real estate signs: Residential zones: May be placed in the public right-of-way subject to the following:
- Shall be limited to four (4) square feet in area.
- Only one (1) sign per activity (e.g., open house) may be placed at each street intersection leading from the two nearest major streets (reflecting two independent access routes) to the site of the activity.
- Signs shall not be placed in the street or media areas.
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Phone: (714) 573-3000
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Tustin Municipal Code Article 9 - Land Use, Chapter 4 - Sign Regulations
Section 9403 - Sign Permit Requirements
Exempt signs: Non-illuminated on-premises real estate signs or open house signs in residential zones:
- Not more than one (1) sign per street frontage, with a maximum height of four (4) feet and a maximum size of six (6) square feet.
- Ornamental signs may be a maximum of seven (7) feet high to top of structure, with a maximum of six (6) square fee for sign face.
- All such signs shall be installed on private property and only on the premises which the sign advertises.
- All such signs may contain a maximum of three (3) riders in excess of the above sign area limitation.
Temporary off-premises commercial (open house) signs: Maximum of twenty (2) per commercial enterprise at any one (1) time:
- Shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size and four (4) feet in height.
- Shall not be posted on Monday through Thursday; or between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on Friday through Sunday.
- Shall only be posted between twenty-five (25) feet and three (300) hundred feet of a street intersection, and a maximum of two (2) signs per street intersection, and no more than one (1) sign in the public parking way abutting any one (1) parcel of property.
Villa Park
City of Villa Park
17855 Santiago Blvd
Villa Park, CA 92861
Phone: (714) 998-1500
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Villa Park Municipal Code Article 23-16 Signs
Section 23-16.7 Temporary Signs
Temporary real estate signs: Shall be non-illuminated, either internally or externally.
- Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in total area for one (1) side.
- No sign shall exceed seven (7) feet in total height from the finished or natural grade where the sign is placed in a front yard setback and ten (10) feet in total height in a rear or side yard setback.
- Public right-of-way within residentials districts is the first seven (7) feet behind the curb line and temporary signs are allowed within this area. Permission is required for placing signs within the defined public right-of-way of private properties.
- Real estate signs shall be limited to one (1) per building site.
- All temporary signs pertaining to a particular event or election day shall not be erected more than forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the event to which the sign pertains and shall be removed within five (5) calendar days after the date of the event.
Yorba Linda
City of Yorba Linda
4845 Casa Loma Ave
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
Phone: (714) 961-7100
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Yorba Linda Municipal Code Chapter 18.24 Signs
Section 18.24.080 Real estate and development signs
For Sale or Rental Signs: Any zone other than commercial and industrial:
- One (1) unlighted sign not exceeding six (6) square feet (including ornamental wooden or metal frames) on each street frontage adjoining a site shall be permitted. Freestanding signs shall not exceed four (4) feet in height.
For Sale or Rental Signs: Any C or M zone:
- One (1) unlighted sign not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet on each street frontage adjoining a site shall be permitted. Freestanding signs shall not exceed six (6) feet in height including base or other mounting structures.
- Where sale or rental signs are placed in windows of office and/or retail buildings or individual suites, said signs shall be limited to one (1) such sign per building/suite face and each sign shall not exceed a maximum size of six (6) square feet.
Real Estate Directional Signs: Open house signs:
- Limited to no more than two (2) signs per change in direction at an intersection with an arterial roadway and no more than one sign per change in direction at any other intersection.
Los Angeles County
La Habra Heights
City of La Habra Heights
1245 N. Hacienda Rd.
La Habra Heights, CA 90631
Phone: (562) 694-6302
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La Habra Heights Municipal Code Chapter 7.9 Sign Standards
Section 7.9.50 Allowed Signs
On-Site Real Estate Signs:
- Two (2) temporary on-site real estate signs, each not exceeding six (6) square feet in area, and less than six (6) feet in height that advertises the sale, lease or rental of a structure or land.
- The sign shall be removed within seven (7) working days following the sale, lease or rental of the property.
- Open house signs shall be removed within a twenty-four (24) hour period following the conclusion of the open house.
La Mirada
City of La Mirada
13700 La Mirada Blvd.
La Mirada, CA 90638
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La Mirada Municipal Code Chapter 21.76 Signs
For Sale or Lease of Property on Private Property:
- All such signs shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the public right-of-way and located outside of any required clear vision triangle. Signs shall be non-illuminated or externally illuminated.
- For residential property, one (1) on-site sign is permitted with a maximum signa area of six (6) square feet.
- A maximum of three (3) attached rider signs are permitted on each real estate sign identifying the agent, special feature, and/or sales status.
Open House Signs:
- On weekends and holidays, open house signs are permitted as needed to direct traffic from major collector and arterial streets to the subject property.
- One (1) sign may be placed for each change in direction, to a maximum of five (5) signs, each with a maximum sign area of six (6) square feet.
City of Lakewood
5050 Clark Ave.
Lakewood, CA 90712
Phone: (562) 866-9771
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Lakewood Municipal Code Section 9500 - Sign Regulations
Real Estate Signs:
- One (1) unlighted, free-standing real estate sign per frontage, not exceeding six (6) square feet in area per face and not exceeding eight (8) feet in height from grade level pertaining only to the sale, lease, or rental of the particular building or property upon which displayed (in an R-1, M-F-R, R-A, or A zone).
- One (1) unlighted real estate sign per frontage, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in size, pertaining only to the sale, lease, or rental of the particular building or property in a commercial, manufacturing or open zone where such sign is displayed.
- Unlighted real estate signs, up to three (3) square feet in area per face, and pennants used for an open house activity, provided that a real estate agent is present at the site for sale and no signs encroach on the public right-of-way.
Long Beach
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Signal Hill
City of Whittier
13230 Penn Street
Whittier, CA 90602
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City of Whittier Municipal Code Title 18 - Zoning
Section 18.73.030 - Exceptions - Temporary directional signs
Real estate directional signs, directing to properties that are for sale or for rent.
- o Shall only be placed in landscaped parkways and shall not be placed on the sidewalk or in the center street median.
- o No more than seven (7) signs per property for sale or rent may be temporarily placed in the public right-of-way at any one time.
- o Distance of five hundred feet or more is required between individual temporary directional signs on the same street, which purpose is to direct persons to a particular address or property (does not apply to signs that pertain to different properties).
- o The background sign area shall be no larger than three (3) by four (4) feet.
- o Shall not exceed five (5) feet in height, measured from the highest street grade in contact with the sign to the top of the sign.
- o Shall be placed in the public right-of-way only during the hours that an open house is occurring at that property, and at which the seller or his/her representative is present.
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